Taking Fido to the Dog Park

Do you like taking your pet to doggy parks? Parks can be great fun for our canine pals! After all, Fido gets to run around, make new friends, and conquer brand-new patches of grass. It’s also a great way for him to get some exercise and enjoy a change of scenery. Just be sure to put safety first! Read on for some tips from a Pickerington, OH vet on taking your pooch to the park.

Preparing The Pup

Before taking Fido to the park, make sure that he is microchipped and wearing current ID tags. It’s also very important to make sure your canine buddy is caught up on his parasite control products, especially his heartworm medication. Keep copies of your dog’s paperwork with you at all times. (Tip: keep a set in your glove box, or take pictures of them with your phone.)

Choosing Fido’s Playmates

Before you let your four-legged buddy go play with his friends, take a few minutes to observe the dogs that are already in the park. If you see any pooches that are acting aggressively and/or bullying other dogs, take your furry pal for a walk instead, and try again another day.


While it may be tempting to pamper your canine companion by giving him lots of treats, you’ll want to be very discreet when offering your furry buddy yummy snacks in front of his friends. Dogs can be very jealous of one another, especially when there is food involved, so this could create a bit of a ruckus. The same also applies for your own food: if you want to bring something to eat while Fido plays, opt for something that won’t give off a tantalizing smell.


Always bring along waste baggies, and pick up after Fido. You may want to keep baggies in your car, so you always have them.


Fido can easily get dehydrated by running and playing, especially in hot weather. While some parks provide faucets, we advise bringing water along too, just in case. Look for a doggy water bottle with an attached dish, or collapsible pet bowls. These are both great options for when you take your furry companion out and about.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, your Pickerington, OH pet clinic, for all of your dog’s veterinary care needs. We are dedicated to providing excellent care!


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