3 Reasons You should take your pet to get a dental cleaning

Three Reasons You Should Take Your Pet to Get a Dental Cleaning

Your pet’s dental health is crucial for its overall health and well-being. Poor dental health can result in discomfort or even significant health issues. The veterinarians at Hillview Veterinary Clinic/Bed & Biscuit in Reynoldsburg, OH, want to ensure your furry family members maintain optimal oral health and overall wellness. While daily tooth brushing is ideal, most pets also benefit from periodic professional dental cleanings. Here are three key reasons Reynoldsburg, OH, pet owners should bring their cats and dogs in for veterinary dental services.

Prevent Serious Dental Diseases

One of the main benefits of consistent professional dental cleanings is preventing the progression of common issues like gingivitis into advanced periodontal disease or tooth decay, which can lead to injury and even tooth loss. Allowing plaque and tartar buildup can have painful, irreversible consequences for pets. A thorough veterinary dental cleaning gets to the roots of your pet’s teeth to promote health. Your veterinarian can stop diseases from spiraling out of control in your pet through tooth scaling, root planning, and polishing teeth. Combining cleanings with at-home brushing provides protective benefits to keep your pet’s teeth healthy for the future.

Identify Developing Problems Early

Partnering with your veterinarian and using preventative care to catch dental issues early makes treating your pet’s dental problems much easier and safer. Signs of oral discomfort or changes around the teeth and gums often appear long before your pet’s disease is visible to the naked eye. An attentive veterinarian can pinpoint dental issues in your pet in the earliest stages by conducting a nose-to-tail examination and a complete dental inspection to probe beneath the gum line and take dental X-rays. Early detection means less complicated treatments and better outlooks for pets.

Maintain Health and Well-Being

Infection and inflammation from advanced dental decay and periodontal disease have effects far beyond the mouth. Bacteria that enter your pet’s bloodstream can spread to damage organs like the heart, kidneys, and liver. Pets that experience dental pain tend to avoid eating, leading to nutritional deficits and weight loss. Pet owners can help minimize the risk of systemic issues or dental diseases like gingivitis by maintaining excellent dental health through routine veterinary cleanings.

Keep Your Pet’s Dental Health Strong With a Dental Cleaning in Reynoldsburg, OH, Today

Keeping your pet’s dental health strong is vital in maintaining your pet’s overall health and well-being, so contact Hillview Veterinary Clinic/Bed & Biscuit in Reynoldsburg, OH, for a dental cleaning today. Consistent preventative care and oral health services enhance your pet’s quality of life, so call us and schedule an appointment today at (614) 866-2290.


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