Puppy Care: Parasite Control & Prevention

One of the most important parts of responsible puppy care is keeping them parasite-free. Intestinal parasites, such as roundworm and tapeworm, can cause severe illness and even death in a young dog if not properly treated. Below, a Reynoldsburg vet shares some helpful information about how you can control and prevent parasites to help give your puppy a fighting chance at a happy, healthy future.

Parasite Prevention in Puppies

Your puppy should be brought to your Reynoldsburg vet on a set schedule to be wormed. This schedule is based on age, as follows:

  • Puppies aged 4 to 12 weeks should be wormed every 2 weeks
  • Puppies aged 12 weeks to 6 months should be wormed once a month
  • Puppies aged 6 months into adulthood should be wormed every 3 months

This is just a guideline. Your Reynoldsburg vet will provide you with specific recommendations for your particular pet.

Signs of Intestinal Parasites

Many puppies that are newly adopted, especially those that come from pet stores or less-than-reputable breeders, may already be suffering from intestinal parasites. Some of the signs and symptoms that your pup might require treatment from your Reynoldsburg vet include:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Coat in poor condition
  • Bloated abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Anemia (evident by the appearance of pale gums)
  • Worms or worm remnants found in feces or vomit (may appear like grains of rice or spaghetti)
  • Excess licking of the anal area
  • Scooting, or dragging the rear end on the ground

If you notice your puppy exhibiting any of these symptoms, it’s important that you contact your Reynoldsburg vet right away so your dog can be tested and treated.

Treatment of Intestinal Parasites

Once your puppy has been examined and it’s determined that intestinal parasites are present, your Reynoldsburg vet will establish the best course of treatment based on such things as your dog’s age, the type of parasite and the animal’s general health. There are currently a number of medications on the market for treating intestinal parasites, but it should be noted that any medication you give to your pup should be given under the direction of your vet.

Keeping on top of parasites is an important part of keeping your puppy happy and healthy. By knowing what to look for and working closely with your Reynoldsburg vet, your pup will have a much better chance of enjoying a parasite-free life.


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